Fountain Pyramid - the deepest water cannon in Peterhof


Address: Peterhof, Lower Park
Coordinates: 59 ° 53'02.9 "N 29 ° 55'19.7" E


The ancient Pyramid fountain appeared in the Lower Park during the reign of Peter I. Its original form had symbolic meaning. There was a special tradition in the Russian army. In the place where the successful military campaign ended, the soldiers erected a wooden or stone obelisk-pyramid. The pyramidal water cannon in Peterhof was dedicated to the glorious victories of Russia in the Northern War.

The history of the fountain

The construction of an unusual water cannon began in 1721 at the initiative of the Russian Emperor Peter I. The fountain was based on the picturesque Versailles "obelisk" erected in 1704-1705.

The design of the Peterhof Pyramid was carried out by the court architect Nikola Michetti. He was an experienced architect and, wishing to please the emperor, completely copied the three-sided "obelisk" of Versailles. Peter I looked at the drawings prepared by the architect and made adjustments to them, wrote on the project so that the fountain below had not three, but four corners. The direct work on the construction of the water cannon was supervised by the architect Mikhail Grigorievich Zemtsov and the hydraulic engineer Paul Sualem, thanks to whom the park was already decorated with several "water extravaganzas".

In the summer of 1724, a new fountain was launched. The emperor was pleased with the work of the craftsmen, but asked that the fountain pool be made lower and three of the four cascades should be left. The alteration of the fountain was completed a year later, after the death of Peter I.

14 years later, the brick pool around the Pyramid was decorated with a wooden balustrade, and wooden pyramids with gilded stars were placed at its corners. By the end of the 18th century, the wooden decor had become dilapidated and, by the decree of Emperor Paul I, it was replaced with durable and beautiful marble. Stone fences and vases designed by V. Yakovlev were made by the craftsmen of the Peterhof Lapidary Factory. At the same time, the walls of the fountain pool were faced with granite slabs.

During the Great Patriotic War, the suburbs of St. Petersburg were under Nazi occupation. Leaving Peterhof, German soldiers destroyed the fountain, smashing it into small pieces and blowing up the pipes supplying water. The restoration of the entire palace and park complex took several years, and finally, in 1953, visitors to the Lower Park were able to see the old water cannon in action.

What a fountain looks like today

A small quadrangular square, on which the fountain is located, is not visible from the alley, so it opens unexpectedly for visitors. The fountain is 8 m high and consists of seven steps that make it look like a snow-white spruce. The pyramidal shape does not have rigid structures and is created thanks to 505 water jets of different lengths. The pyramid is considered the deepest among the fountains of Peterhof. In just one second, about a hundred liters of water passes through this water cannon.

The principle of operation and the structure of the picturesque fountain have remained unchanged for almost three centuries. Water enters here through an inclined pipe and fills a square cast iron container. Inside there are seven chambers and a sealed bronze cover with nozzles. The height of the jets that come from each chamber is regulated by special valves.

The foamy fountain rises on a stepped stone plinth and is surrounded by a 11 m by 11 m square pool. Along the perimeter, it is decorated with an elegant balustrade made in the best traditions of classicism, and 12 carved stone bowls are installed on the side of the fence.

Overflowing water flows down four picturesque cascades, overflowing over five wide steps. It is noteworthy that the cascades are oriented to the cardinal points. The pouring stream rushes into a shallow quadrangular moat that encircles the fountain. Neat stone bridges are laid along the sides of the cascades so that visitors can approach the beautiful balustrade and admire the water jets at close range.

The Pyramid fountain is located in the east of the Lower Park. This part of the palace and park ensemble is open to visitors from 9.00 to 21.00, and on holidays - until 20.00. To get to the Lower Park, you need to purchase a ticket. In summer, the fountain is launched daily from 10.00 to 19.00.

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